B2P-Day 6- Fencing, and Goat Intestines

We arrived on site at exactly the same time lunch did. Billy the goat will later prove to be tasty

Becky, Vinay, & Kissa cutting tie wire for fastening the fencing within the safe zone

The entire team committed to aligning the fencing curb

Meet Andrew, a community local and an amazing constructor. He has been of such value to our team.

Lunch is served! Billy the goat provided his intestines and liver in addition to potatoes, beans, rice, and Bananas.

We learned the goat was donated to feed us by a wonderful lady who has been on site assisting in feeding us daily. She had lost a son in the Sipi river years ago and has been ecstatic about the bridge construction

Becky and Vinay working with the masons learning how to pretty up the rock walls

This young fellow stood next to the bridge and just started crying. He quickly calmed down after a brief one way conversation. I can only assume he was unsuccessful fishing with his nail

Sarah, Fred, and Dave pose after working hard setting fence

Jatczak checking the finish quality after aligning a very bowed wooden curb

Issa , Jeremy and Crew take a selfie at the end of the day once all work was completed

It’s day end and we have fence from end to end! Its been hard work, and the weekend couldn’t come sooner!